Saturday 7 June 2014

#RoleModel - even a stranger can take you to many a miles...

"Role Model" - as strong as it sounds, it's more so relevant in each one's life. Being motivated and inspired from someone is not easy but this very motivation and inspiration can take you places in life. We see so many people in our daily day to day life, family/friends/strangers - it can be any one and who knows, they may just motivate and inspire us to thrive for better and accomplish our goals.

To point one such example from my life - just few days back, I was with my friends at 2:00 in the afternoon, with the temperatures hitting the scorching 45C (I live in New Delhi) and I saw an old man, around the age of 70, talking all the waste disposals away - which is left by the respective owners of the bungalows outside their  houses. I wondered to myself - even at the age of 70, this great man has the courage and the will power to work and do the work which he does - I mean, don't  we often overlook the important duties that say a maid, servant, sweeper, janitor plays in our life, without them truly we'd be of nowhere. The "old man" gave me inspiration and made me realize that I've this life with array of opportunities to accomplish what I'm set out to achieve and grasp my dreams and not just thrive for success, but instead thrive for goodness.

That's it.. That's how easily someone can motivate/inspire you. I didn't know that "old man" but he made me realize that the quality life style that I can lead, not every one can and hence - I must be satisfied with what I have and that's the role of a role model, isn't it! A role model is someone who leads you to the right path in life and even if it's a stranger - "learning has no place, it sees no time, it isn't restricted to boundaries, it crosses the boundaries and achieve what it's set out to achieve". :)

I am writing about #MyRoleModel as a part of the activity by Gillette India in association with

Aditya Jha Author

Aditya Jha is 20 years old and has had a passion for writing since a young age. He has had the great honor of being published in the book "blank space", which featured his fictional short story "a writer's tale". He has also published 2 ebooks - Best.Generation.Ever. and An Iron Lady (Autobiography on his grandmother's life). He has great passion for speaking and is a Delhi University Debator - having won various laurels for his speaking.

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